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2019 Summit Livestream

May 15, 2019

By: ArtPlace America

Once a year, we gather ArtPlace America’s community of colleagues from the field of creative placemaking – projects and organizations we have been able to support, our foundation and government partners, and the researchers, advisors, and colleagues who help shape our work.

This is our seventh and our second to last summit before our work culminates at the end of 2020. We are thrilled to be in Jackson this year, which gives us a culturally rich backdrop to hear from national and local leaders on some of the most pressing issues facing our communities and our field.

To join us online, simply head over to our Facebook page at any of the times below and you’ll be able to join the session.

For a detailed look at our plenaries click here.


7 PM - 8:30 PM CDT: Optimistic: Jackson Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 


8 AM - 9:30AM CDT: Our Stories, Our Places
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM CDT: Land, Race, & Community Futures


8 AM - 9 AM CDT: Food Systems Transformation through Arts and Culture
12 PM - 1 PM CDT: History, Truth, and the Search for Common Ground