By Jim Sweeney
With Phase I construction completed (on time and on budget) the Columbus Idea Foundry (CIF) moved into the warehouse on May 1st. More than 200 people came out to watch Mayor Coleman cut the ribbon on May 30th, 2014. The “ribbon” used was actually a strip of painted aluminum which the Mayor cut with a plasma torch! Our mayor is always a great sport! And he really gets the value of creative placemaking!
As hoped, the neighborhood around the project is beginning to come to life. Nationwide Realty Investors, a division of Nationwide Insurance and a large developer of real estate in Ohio has announced that they will purchase more than eight acres nearby. Executives cite energy from Columbus Idea Foundry among the reasons for their investment. Franklinton Development Association (FDA) and CIF are working with their planning staff on development ideas for their acreage. Additionally, the city of Columbus continues to invest in strategic acquisitions intended to support the new arts community.
Meanwhile two other non-profit arts groups have received state capital improvement grants to renovate and move into nearby historic buildings: the Columbus Harmony Project received $300,000 to renovate a vacant church half a block away to convert it into an arts/community center, and Glass Axis, a 25 year old non-profit glass studio, got $200,000 to renovate an old bus terminal two blocks away. A nonprofit art collective/gallery called Ethical Arts Collective and a for-profit start-up tech company called KNOCKOUT CONCEPTS that is pioneering 3D scanning technology each moved to the neighborhood without public assistance. Also, there are groups actively looking for music performance and rehearsal space and others actively looking for theater space in the neighborhood.
The Land Grant Brewery, with its “tasting room” is now wrapping up redevelopment of a vacant warehouse and will open for business in September. Located between CIF and 400 W. Rich, this will be the third restaurant/bar to open in the immediate area. We expect that having three friendly and safe “watering holes” will entice much more sidewalk activity to the area especially in the evenings. Safety and perception of safety will be dramatically enhanced. The spirit of partnership and comradery around rebuilding the neighborhood is at an all-time high!
Columbusmakerspace Photo credit: Techcrunch[/caption]
One interesting challenge that we have faced is that partners are emerging more rapidly than expected. We anticipated that the power of creative placemaking would attract companies, nonprofits and individuals to participate in the community but we did not expect the consistent stream of requests for meetings. We were unprepared to process all of the opportunities that are now being proposed! It seems that, while not that long ago we were unable to get any serious attention in Franklinton, now we have more potential partners than we can reasonably entertain. We are planning meetings more carefully now and are vetting interested parties with more care.
Recent Wins
Franklinton and the Columbus Idea Foundry continue to be a hot topic of conversation in central Ohio! Jim Sweeney, Executive Director of FDA, has been invited to speak about the neighborhood and creative placemaking at the 2014 Ohio Housing Conference tour and again at the Urban Land Institute Columbus Chapter (“Learn from the Best” event). Alexander Bandar, director of the Columbus Idea Foundry, was invited along with Mayor Coleman to speak on behalf of Columbus at the Intelligent Cities Forum in NYC. Also, recently Alex made all of Columbus proud when he appeared as a guest on the national NPR “Whad’ya Know with Michael Feldman” program! Jim and Alex are a hot speaking duo also with engagements at two other Rotary Groups and an entire day of speaking and touring at the 2014 Great Neighborhoods conference in Columbus on September 18.
Trust the people who have chosen to follow you. They would not be there if they didn’t see your vision. At times you may be so close to it, that they can see it better than you can.
Media Attention!
614 article
Columbus Alive article
Columbus Underground continues to cover the Creative Placemaking progress in Franklinton