Legwork Studio & Mode Set worked with Google to produce Roll It for their Chrome browser
As we move forward, we see new opportunities to engage and partner with organizations outside of the creative sector. We realize that with a project like OhHeckYeah, it is our responsibility to bring new people into the fold because of the mass market nature of video games. For example, we have been exploring relationships with sports teams because we share the common denominator of play. With the health care sector we share the goal of building healthy communities and are discussing ways of how video games played in public contribute to a healthier lifestyle. By building these bridges across sectors, we hope to help increase the market for arts and culture in Denver by bringing in new participants. We feel that cities like New York are rich in cultural output because the local mass market supports that type of production. Our goal is to help push that type of support into the local Denver market; therefore increasing the city’s demand for creative thinking.
Recent Wins
OhHeckYeah featured on CBS4
Orton Family Foundation’s Community Matters Invites OhHeckYeah to Discuss How to Create Fun Spaces
Web Designer Magazine Interviews OhHeckYeah’s Project Partner Legwork Studio
This month our Kickstarter campaign ended. Although we did not meet our fundraising goal, we are grateful for what it did afford us. The campaign was an opportunity to educate the public nine months before our event while also generating excitement and engagement from both the local and global community. It helped secure additional partnerships and acted as a tool to recruit volunteers. We knew going into the campaign that it would be a very public effort and were aware of the risk. As a project rooted in the values of the New Economy, we knew we had to walk the talk. Risk, failure and success are all apart of an artist’s vocabulary.
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