Project Update
Each month brings new momentum. Since our last blog post we have presented our project to local foundations, cultural partners, potential sponsors, neighborhood businesses and city officials. With each meeting, we are reminded of the collaborative nature that inherently exists in Colorado. This support is what allows a project of this scope to be successful. We have also been preparing for our crowdfunding campaign that will launch September 20th. In preparation, we have been working with our project partners to design the OhHeckYeah logo, storyboard our video pitch, concept rewards for project backers and organize a project launch party. #OhHeckYeah
Recent Wins
Confluence-Denver covers OhHeckYeah
Modmarket to open on 16th & Champa
THE CITY AS AN URBAN LIVING ROOM: As the American Dream downsizes, micro-units and the sharing economy are quickly gaining traction as an attractive lifestyle in urban centers. This movement provides public space an opportunity to be transformed into a new supporting role. In cramped metropolises the idea of "the city as your living room" has already taken root. By framing the concept of public space in this way, it provides a fresh lens for how we interpret the design needs for the space. If the city was your living room, how would you design it? What would you include in the design? What would you exclude from the design? How would the street furniture look and function? What would make the space comfortable? How could it be arranged to facilitate connection?