As we work toward securing a place for our venture, it's been heart warming to be contacted by many artists wondering when the call for artists will be going out. We're so glad that people are excited and inspired by this project, and we are eager to get started!
Recent Wins
1. The Saint Paul Foundation generously awarded us a grant in the amount of $35,000. We are thrilled to have their support!
2. The West Seventh neighborhood has many new neighbors as artists have started moving into the Schmidt Artist Lofts. The growth is exciting to watch.
3. We attended an art opening at Acme Academy of Arts, on West Seventh street. It was great to meet many people from the neighborhood as well as outside the neighborhood.
4. The Pioneer Press mentioned us in their article, "St. Paul's West Seventh Street: on the verge of being cool?" which covered the tremendous growth happening in the neighborhood.
Clear communication with all stakeholders crowdsources more opportunities and creative solutions!