We're excited to introduce our 2018 - 2019 artist organizer cohort - ShaVunda Brown, Nestor Garcia Olague, Amoke Kubat, Heeja Martinez and lead artist organizer Denetrick Powers. Redeemer Center for Life coalesced this cohort to illuminate neighborhood histories and resident stories, introduce neighbors to each other via serial, non-superficial encounters, inspire investment in Harrison’s social fabric and invite residents to imagine living in a neighborhood known nationally as a model for other communities aspiring to both diversity and cohesion.
Through April, 2019, the five members of the cohort will work together to – -engage in serial one-to-one conversations with neighbors, -design, produce and stage theatre events staged at homes to invite neighbors to interact with each other, -collaborate with videography team to develop HGTV-style episodes introducing distinct stories about home, -set and realize individual housing transition goals and -introduce housing resources to interested neighbors through one-to-one conversations and theatre events.
May 1, 2018